Dr. Biswajit Bhadra
Associate Professor NEtaji Subhas Open University, Kolkata
Former Associate Professor & Former Teacher-in-Charge Netaji Nagar College, Kolkata
M.Com, Ph.D, ACMA, AASM, MIIA (Florida), IARA,
Head of Department of Commerce Netaji Nagar College,
Former visiting faculty Jadavpur University Power Engineering,
Former Guest Faculty, ICAI, Eastern Region,
Former Secretary (CEO), Calcutta Institute of Engineering and Management, Kolkata
Former visiting faculty Army Institute of Management Kolkata

A Passion for Learning

From a young age, Dr. Biswajit Bhadra had the call to be an educator and it’s a decision he never regretted.
For Dr. Biswajit Bhadra, there is nothing better than the curiosity and enthusiasm that drives a person towards the horizon of knowledge.
As an enthusiastic and devoted Professor, he strived for excellence in education in life and passing on his love of learning to his own students. Dr. Bhadra is known for his relentless effort towards educating students across all social structures and creating plenty of publications and text books as a body of scholarly work. Dr. Bhadra is a Visiting Faculty, Army Institute of Management Kolkata and Departmental Head of Commerce in Netaji Nagar College, Kolkata. A prolific Author in the field of Accounting, Business and Company Law, Principles of Management, Marketing and Human Resource management, Entrepreneurship Development and Business Ethics, Financial Management and Financial Reporting & Financial Statement Analysis.
Dr. Bhadra supervised Research Works for Ph. D (Seven) and M. Phil degree (two) (broad themes):
Relationship between Organisational Climate and Job Stress in Banking Organisations, Marketing Strategies of FMCG Companies, Performance Evaluation of Internal Quality Assurance Cells (IQACs) in HEIs (Joint Supervision), Customer Relationship Management on Banking Organisations, Changing Profile of the Non-Banking Financial Companies in India, Performance Evaluation of Merchant Bankers in India, Road Connectivity and Quality of Life, Teachers’ Perception vis-a-vis Choice of FMCG Brands, Governance in HEIs.
Professional Experiences (Since 1981 till date)
Positions holding :
Associate Professor, Netaji Nagar College, Kolkata
Visiting Faculty, Army Institute of Management , Kolkata
Positions held:
Teacher-in-Charge, Netaji Nagar College
Reader in Commerce, Vidyasagar University, 2006
Resource person, PGD in Book Publishing , University of Calcutta
Guest Faculty, PG Department, Netaji Nagar Day College
Guest Faculty, Power Engineering Department, Jadavpur University
Guest Faculty, ICAI, Eastern Region
Guest Faculty, P.G Dept. Shibpur Dinobundhoo Institution
Guest Faculty, Netaji Subhas Engineering College under Techno Group
Secretary (CEO), Calcutta Institute of Engineering and Management, Kolkata
Research Assistant of Chartered Institute of Management Accountant (Lond.), Calcutta Branch, from 1988 to 1990
Administrative Experiences: 20 Years [In the capacity of Member- Governing Body, Bursar, Secretary –Teachers’ Council, Convener – Academic Committee, Convener – NAAC Steering Committee (2006) & IQAC (2007 to 2010), Chairperson IQAC 2015 to 2016 & March, 2018 to February, 2021 and Head of the Institution (from 2015 to 2016 & 2018 to February, 2021)].
Major areas/ subjects covered:
Accounting, Cost Accounting, Principles and Practice of Management, Financial Management, Strategic Management, Marketing Management, Human Resource Management, Organisational Behavior, Academic Administration, Management of Book Publishing.
Important Academic memberships :
Associate Member of the Institute of Cost Accountants of India
Associate member of Association of Secretaries and Managers
Member of Institute of Internal Auditors, Florida
Life Member, Indian Accounting Association Research Foundation (IAARF)
Life Member, Indian Accounting Association (IAA)
Life Member, Research Development Association, Rajasthan
Life Member, Bengal Economic Association, Kolkata
Fellow Member of Indian Academic Research Association, Tiruchirapalli, Tamil Nadu
Fellow Member of Institute of Scholars (InSc), Bengaluru

Research and Publications
Projects :
Three projects completed – Funded by UGC
A study on the relationship between the perceived organisational climate and job stress in Banking industry in West Bengal.
A study on the impact of Government policies on the productivity with reference to some selected industries in West Bengal.
Road connectivity and Quality of life: A block level study.​​
Journals & Magazines:
1. “Industrial Sickness in Indian Scenario”, The Cost & Management Accountant, CIMA (Lond), Calcutta Branch, Vol.V, No. 3 August, 1988.
2. “Corporate Investment-An Overview”, The Cost & Management Accountant, CIMA (Lond), Calcutta Branch, Vol. V, No. 11, May 1989.
3. “Man, Science & Industrial Relation- A Psychological Analysis”, The Cost & Management Accountant, CIMA (Lond), Calcutta Branch, Vol.VI, No.4, Sept-Oct. 1989.
4. “Analysis of the Budgetary Practices of the Municipalities in West Bengal- A Mechanism of The Utilisation of Economic Resources,” Research Bulletin, ICWAI, Vol. IX, No. 1&2, January & July 1990.
5. “The Role of Working Capital in Public and Private Enterprise” Edited Volume, Working Capital Management (Analysis and Cases), Dr. Sugan C. Jain and Dr. N.D. Mathur, Research Development Association, Jaipur, 1991
6. “The Changing Economic Scenario and the Necessity of Cost Audit in Public Sector Undertaking in India”, ICWAI, EIRC, Oct.1994
7. “Accounting System- Reliability & Controversy” ICWAI, EIRC, Nov, 1994.
8. “Liberalization of Economy and the Role of Money Market: An Introspection”, Edited Volume, Financial Management of Developing Countries, Strategic Issues, Batra, G.S & Kaur, N. Anmol Publications (Pvt) Ltd, New Delhi, 1st Edition, 1995
9. “The Role of Corporate Governance on the Stakeholders-Case Study on Leasing Business In India”, Banking Finance, Vol XI, No. 10, October, 1998.
10. “Accounting for Lease in India: An Overview”, Modern Trends in Accounting Research,
Edited Volume. Batra, G.S. Deep & Deep Publications, New Delhi, 1997.
11. “A commentary on Software Tools for Internal Auditors in Global Perspective” Comsomath, NNDCCC, Calcutta Vol 1, August 1998
12. “Employee Fraud And The Role of Forensic Accountant”, Edited Volume, Sujit Sikidar & Alok Pramanik, Deep & Deep Publication, New Delhi, 2000 .
13. “Improving Corporate Environmental Performance Through ISO 14001 – An Introspection”, Comsomath, NNDCCC, Calcutta, March, 2002
14. “ISO and Environmental Cost Accounting an introspection” Edited volume, Alok Pramanik, Deep & Deep publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2002
15. “Globalization in Mexico : A crisis of model economy, ” (Bengali ), Proboho, College magazine, Netaji Nagar College, Kolkata, 2002.
16. “In Search of the Concept of Management Burnout”, The Benchmark, Magazine of the Department of Commerce, Netaji Nagar College, 2006
17. “A Study on the Emerging Board Practices in the Governance of some Selected Companies in India” Edited volume, Accounting and Finance Trends and Practices 21C, Uttam Kr. Dutta and Biswajit Bhadra, Dishari Prakashani, Kolkata, 2008.
18. “Organisational Climate in the Banking Industry in India – Some Observations”, Comsomath, NNDCCC, Kolkata, March, 2008
19. “ Emotional Marketing of Fast Moving Consumer Goods in India”, Artha Beekshan, Journal of Bengal Economic Association, September, 2009
20. “ The Triple Bottom Line – An Important Reporting Vehicle Toward Sustainability: ITC Ltd A Study”, Comsomath, NNDCCC, September, 2009
21. “In Search of Sustainability and the role of Corporate Governance in ITC Ltd: A Study”, The Benchmark, Magazine of the Department of Commerce, Netaji Nagar College, 2010
22. “ The socio-economic status of older people in India –An assessment, Recent trends in Geriatrics and Gerontological Studies, February, 2010
23. The role of media in influencing customers’ Brand choice: some observations, Global Media Journal – Indian Edition/ Summer Issue / June 2011, University of Calcutta
24. A Study into the Influence of Cultural and Socio-Economic Aspects in Marketing Strategic Adaptation of FMCG Companies in India with a Special Focus on the Post-Economic Liberalisation Period, International Journal of Management Research and Business Strategy, October, 2012
25. Cost Saving Initiatives of FMCG Companies – An Introspection, Business Studies Recent Developments, Edited Volume, NSOU, March, 2013
26. Enterprise Risk Management in the Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) Sector in India, The Management Accountant, The Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of India, October, 2013
27. An Insight into the Cost of Quality in Higher Education, The Management Accountant, The Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of India, April, 2014.
28. Impact of Organisational Climate on Job Stress – A Comparartive Study of the Perceptions of the Private and Public Sector Bank Employees in Kolkata, Indian Business Environment The Changing Scenario, Edited Volume, NSOU, March, 2015
29. Influence of Brand - Age on Consumer Perceptions and Preferences – A Study on Select FMCG Brands, Contemporary Issues in Global Economy, Commerce and Management, Edited Volume, The Bhawanipur Education Society College, January, 2015
30. Relation Between Organisational Climate and Job Stress – A Study With Reference To Perception of Bank Employees in Kolkata, Edited Volume, Mizoram University. 2015
31. Social Implications of Value Chain Activities: A Brief Study of Nestle India Ltd, Journal of Exclusive Management Science, October, 2015
32. Psychological Contract Between the Teachers and the Students – An Introspection, Proboho, 6th Issue, Netaji Nagar College. 2016
33. Crowd Funding as a Tool of Financing: An Introspection, The Benchmark, Netaji Nagar College. 2016
34. The Usefulness of Value Added Statement in Book Publishing Organisation, Shifting Tints, Netaji Nagar College. 2016
35. Relationship Marketing in Banks, The Management Accountant, Institute of Cost Accountants, April, 2017
36. Customer Relationship Management in Knowledge Economy – A Study on Selected Bank Branches in Kolkata, West Bengal, Journal of Management & Entrepreneurship, Xavier Institute of Management & Entrepreneurship, Bangaluru, June, 2017.
37. Impact of Brand Perception on Brand Loyalty – A Study on College Teachers with respect to Nestle India Limited., Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research, UGC-CARE Approved Group – II Journal, July, 2020.
38. Risk Management Analysis in the light of Rumsfeld Matrix – A Study on Some Selected
Companies in India, KINDLER, The Journal of Army Institute of Management, Vol XXI, No
1 & 2, ISSN: 0973-0486, January – June 2021 & July – December 2021.
39. The Growth of Ecotourism – Ecopreneurship the Means – An Introspection, Sustainable
Entrepreneurship, Lincoln University College, Malaysia, December 2022
40. Infringement of Intellectual Property Rights in India – A Bird’s Eye View, Conference
Volume, Intellectual Property Rights An Overview and Implications, Netaji Nagar College,
July 2023.
41. Ethical Challenges in Corporate Branding – An Introspection, The Brain Teaser, Research
Cell, Netaji Nagar College, August 2023.